Hobbies and Interests
When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled make a type specimen It has survived not only five centuries.
Iron Maid, DC/AC, Mega blow, The Ill, King Fighters, System of a Revenge.
The Crime of the Century, Egyptian Mythology 101, The Scarred Wizard, Lord of the Wings, Among-st Gods, The Oracle, A Tale of Air and Water.
Idiomatic, The Scarred Wizard and the Fire Crown, Crime Squad, Fer-rum Man.
Swimming, Surfing, Scuba Diving, Anime, Photography, Tattoos, Street Art.
Contact Info
Education And Others Information
October 10, 2009
UX/UI Designer
Vignesh Ravichandran
Vignesh Ravichandran holds a Masters in Business Administration from a leading Business School. He presently works as a Human Resource professional in a leading software organization in Chennai. He wrote this debut novel with the storyline which he experienced in his nightmare before 7years.